Laser Hair Removal

Permanent Hair & Spider Vein Removal

Introduction to Service

The Elite iQ™ Laser by Cynosure is your ultimate solution for permanent hair reduction, facial and leg veins (also called spider veins), facial wrinkles, razor bumps, sun damage, skin revitalization, psoriasis, and more. This cutting-edge beauty technology offers quick, non-surgical treatments for a wide range of common skin concerns, ensuring safety for all skin types and minimal downtime to meet your aesthetic needs.

Service Questions

  • The Elite iQ Laser is an advanced aesthetic laser system designed to address various common skin concerns. It operates using two distinct wavelengths, 1064 nm Nd:YAG and 755 nm alexandrite, which can be used separately or in combination during the same appointment. The laser emits precise light energy targeted at specific skin structures or melanin in hair follicles, resulting in treatments that can permanently reduce hair, and vascular lesions.

  • Yes, Elite iQ laser hair removal is safe for all skin types, including darker and tanned skin tones. It employs the innovative SkinTel technology, the first and only FDA-cleared melanin reader, to customize treatment settings based on your unique skin and hair type, ensuring both safety and efficacy.

  • Typically, 5-8 sessions are required spaced 4-8 weeks apart for optimal results. The exact number and timing may vary based on individual factors and the specific area being treated.

  • You can use the Elite iQ laser on all areas of the body, including the face, neck, chest, arms, back, abdomen, legs, underarms, and bikini area.

  • Most individuals find Elite iQ treatments to be well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort. The sensation is often likened to a mild snapping of a rubber band against the skin. In our clinic, we also use gel and the Zimmer chiller machine to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

  • There is minimal downtime and you can resume normal activities 24 hours after the treatment.

  • Hair will begin to fall out within 2 weeks after treatment. Hair will begin to regrow 4-6 weeks after treatment, but will be more fine than before treatment. This is the optimal time to repeat the laser hair removal treatment to continue weakening the hair follicle until it stops growing permanently.

  • Avoid sun exposure and apply sunscreen when going outdoors to protect your skin. Avoid exercising, pools, and saunas for 24 hours post treatment.

Elite IQ Laser Hair Removal: Under Arms.

Elite IQ Laser Hair Removal: Full Face.